WHOLE is an audio-visual album, an ephemeral sensory experience crafted by a collective of creatives and truthseekers. We envision a brave and joyous future, one that holds abortion not only as a human right but as a sacred part of our experiences, our stories and our history.

The full video experience is immediately below. For the full audio experience, please scroll all the way down.


The Full Video Experience




Origins exemplifies our collective being - and the agency that we possess to honor our bodies both as a source and as a symbol of freedom.



Bodies affirms that every body is good and needs restorative ease and rest. This piece demonstrates that we deserve full autonomy, acceptance, and universal love for our bodies as its sole owners.



Relationships explores the core of our survival and wellbeing and the energy that flows between us. It highlights the sacredness and power within the plentiful ways we consensually connect, touch, care for each other.



Communities have a specific responsibility to its members: to nurture them through all life’s stages and events. In this regard, communities hold the power to heal its members.



Futures explores the vastness in potential for all wombed ones―the radical creation, imagination and construction of a liberated future that does not discard or diminish our origins or lived experiences.


“Here we are WHOLE…and regarded, treated and supported as such.”

— The Visioners for Abortion Freedom


The Full Audio Experience



Listen to the audio experience wherever you get your podcasts.